When you have to live with diabetes, it is not something that you will enjoy. You have to stay away from some food while your friends get to enjoy them. However, in the future, you might be able to eat some of your favorite food without worrying about your diabetes.
However, this may all change in a few years from now, with more food varieties are coming to the market that is diabetic friendly.
Here are such food and beverages that you can have without worrying about your blood sugar levels.

Someone living with diabetes might do anything to taste a bar of chocolate, however, because they contain a high content of sugar, it will raise your blood sugar levels, and make your sugar levels go out of control.
However, now more and more chocolates are being available in the market that is diabetic friendly. These chocolate use various kinds of artificial sweeteners to give the sugar taste that we all love.

Sugary drinks such as Coke and sugary soda contain lots of sugar, and you had to stay away from them if you were someone living with diabetes.
However, you might have seen diet Coke or Coke zero with no added sugar and gives you the same taste that we are familiar with, but it’s not just Coke, there are now many diabetic friendly drinks available in today’s market.
However, regular drinking of soft drinks is not recommended, because a study has found that people who regularly drink these beverages have a higher risk of developing diabetes later in their lives.

Gelatin desserts, including many other deserts, contain a lot of added sugar, making them extremely tasty but also not good for your health at the same time.
However, now people with diabetes can taste deserts because there are sugar-free gelatin desserts available in the market. In the near future, you may be able to taste different varieties of deserts and not worry about your blood sugar levels.
Yes, now there is sugar-free ice cream available in the market, they also contain different varieties of artificial sweeteners that give you the taste of real ice cream without raising your blood sugar levels.
Even though I am yet to find them available in every supermarket, if you look hard enough you will be able to find them in selected few.

Did you know that ketchup contains a large percentage of added sugar out of its weight, usually 40-50 grams out of 100 grams of ketchup is sugar?
So there was no way for people with diabetes to safely eat something with ketchup and not worry about their blood sugar levels.
Now you can buy sugar-free ketchup, that is available for people who have diabetes, and also for people who are health conscious.
However, I was only able to find the tomato flavored ketchup with no added sugar. But I’m sure other flavors will soon follow.
The key is eating everything in moderation
Sugar-free products for people living with diabetes is a great trend because people with diabetes would also like to live a normal life of their own. And I don’t think this will slow, as more manufactures will make food targeting people living with diabetes.
However, just because they are sugar-free doesn’t mean you go and eat them as much as you like. Make sure to eat everything in moderation, because, when consumed excessively can harm your health.
Also, make sure you go for natural and homemade food whenever possible. Homemade ketchup is always better than one that you would get from a supermarket. Also, rinking a bottle of infused water can have a better influence on your health than drinking a sugar-free soft drink.
Either way in future living with diabetes that doesn’t mean you have to stay away from your favorite food, and thanks to science, you will be able to live a life just like anyone else.
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